Juno Covella - Dedication and Selections

Goddesses of the Months and Days of the Month (Fixed Calendar)


List of Selections

Printed Here By Permission.

Juno Covella

Perpetual Calendar

of the Fellowship of Isis

compiled by

Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, M.A. (Dublin)

Baron Robertson of Strathloch

Priest of Isis

Juno Covella, cover art by Anna Currey (nee, Durdin-Robertson)

"This book is written in honour

of the Goddesses of all nationalities and traditions.

It is dedicated to my wife, Pamela,

and my sister, Olivia."

Section III.

Goddesses of the Fixed Calendar

January July

February August

March September

April October

May November

June December

The text for the twelve months above, totaling 183 pages in word processor files, has been painstakingly typed from the text in the book, with notations, spelling and content true to the original as published by Lawrence through his private press, Cesara Publications. It has taken many hours to complete and upload. This is the first time a hand typed and proofed version of this text has been made available online. (Uploaded June 16, 2011)

Featured Selections from Juno Covella

Author Biography and Book Description

"Goddesses of the Gateways"

Including Art by Olivia Robertson

"I hail the Goddess Hathor, Goddess of Love, Goddess of Beauty. She Who is the Inner Sun within all existences; emerging from the darkness of the Holy Goddess Nuit of the Galaxy." - Invocation to the Solar Goddess, Olivia Robertson

Goddesses of the Dawn (Drawing - "Goddess of the Awakening Sun")

Goddesses of Noon (Drawing - "The Sun Ascends")

Goddesses of Dusk, Evening and Twilight (Drawing - "The Goddess Guides")

Goddesses of Midnight (Drawing - "Veil of the Oracle")

"Goddesses of the Aeon"

Including Art by Olivia Robertson

"This is the Age of the Cosmic Mother - She waits for us." - Olivia Robertson

Cessair (Cesara) (Drawing - "For Cesara" by Olivia Robertson)

Goddesses of Aquarius (Drawing - "Lady of the Waterlilies" by Olivia Robertson)

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