Fellowship of Isis History Archive - Circle of Isis

Fellowship of Isis Central is maintained by members of the Circle of Isis, an advisory board of the Fellowship of Isis. We were entrusted by Fellowship of Isis Co-Founder Olivia Robertson with creating Fellowship of Isis Central - a website that acts as a central hub of information and networking within the Fellowship of Isis. Copied out in full below is the announcement written by Olivia Robertson on Sunday, October 10, 2004, accompanied by a scan of our original charter, which was drawn and hand lettered by Olivia.

Our Original Charter


Message from Fellowship of Isis co-founder Lady Olivia Robertson

A World Wide Fellowship of Isis Website - Circle of Isis

"Owing to the rapid expansion of FOI, we have now a new world website. This will operate under the aegis of the legal Temple of Isis - Fellowship of Isis, Geyserville, California where an open Temple Of Isis holds ceremonies on a weekly basis and has attendance from many visitors. It will be operated by the Circle of Isis, limited to ten members: Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne, AU, Founder of the Temple of Isis (USA); Rt. Rev. Roxanna deTraci Regula, AU (USA); Rt. Rev. Caroline Wise, AU (UK); Rt. Rev. John Merron, AU (UK); Rev. Dietlinda Brueckner, Prs. H. (Germany); Rev. Ronald Cwetna, Pr. H. (Germany); Rev. Elizabeth Kelly, Order of Mary Magdalene (USA); Rev. Arisa Victor (USA); Rev. Linda Iles, Archdrs. (USA); and Global Advisor Rt. Rev. Lady Olivia Robertson, AU (Ireland).

As with present and future global websites consisting of a plurality of centres, each such website will have authority to publish the Liturgy free online and to present lists of centres, new members of the Priesthood and other such information. In the future British, Irish, German, Japanese and Nigerian global websites would assist hundreds of members and centres who require local information.

FOI faces a glorious future Rebirth of the Goddess Isis Unveiled for our new millenium. We go forward with hope and joy as well as love for all in friendship, that is what the word "fellowship" means."



Olivia Robertson, ArchPriestess and Fellowship of Isis co-founder wrote the following announcement, dated October 8, 2007:

I am pleased to announce the Circle of Isis is now international, forming a Rainbow Bridge world-wide to members of the Fellowship of Isis. We welcome new members Rt. Rev. Caroline Wise, AU of London; Rt. Rev. John Merron, AU of London; Rev. Dietlinde Brueckner, Prs. H. of Germany; and Rev. Ronald T. Cwetna, Pr. H., of Germany.

(signed) Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder

Circle of Isis Global Advisor

Assisting in the Southern Hemisphere, Rev. H. Setjataset of the Lyceum of Heka, Victoria, Australia, contact for the Spanish speaking community is Rev. Carolina Amor-Boggs of the Circulo de Isis Iseum, Bay Area, USA. Druid Clan of Dana contact is ArchDruidess Aauriane Veleda, Hearth of the Sacred Ways, Florida, USA.


Our new charter, February 9th, 2013 from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, with the official designation of our website which came into effect in December, 2008 as "Fellowship of Isis Central" and our new designation as "Central Hearth on the Web".

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