College of Isis - Original Announcement of Solar Alchemy Spiral

October 31, 2003

The Spiral of Alchemy

A System of Study for the FOI Priest/esshood


By Rt. Rev. Cathryn Anne Rogers, AU

In reviewing all the wonderful paths we have available to assist in developing ourselves and our community through the Fellowship of Isis, I realized that there wasn’t any particular path for the priesthood once one was ordained. Many of the priesthood that I know also questioned "what does the priesthood do if they choose to work through their Iseum?" The priesthood was the foundation upon which the beginnings of FOI were laid and thus we all felt we needed our own spiral of learning.

Not everyone in the priesthood may want to do this course work as they may have their own calling from the Goddess, but for those who understand the need to transform themselves, to be in harmony not only in the outer form, but also within themselves, this course will assist them. In turn, the priesthood who take up this path will then be able, in a balanced way, to assist others in finding their own inner sun.

So, I asked Lady Olivia Robertson, Goddess inspired author of all of our path workings, to find the material that would give the priesthood a spiral dance of their own. Evidently, the Goddess was in alignment with this request as Lady Olivia, in a matter of an hour, realized "The Spiral of Alchemy."

The Spiral of Alchemy

By FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson

The wonderful thing about working with Isis is that she always provides one with the necessary material and tools when - and not before - they are needed for Her work.

In the year 2000 at midnight during the Summer Solstice I saw in full consciousness a "Sun." On 6th September this "Sun" - large, cheerful, slightly flushed - woke me up and burst in a sort of explosion from my body. On the eve of my departure for the USA , in full consciousness at night or rather early dawn, I saw an unearthly woman by my bed. She had hair like liquid gold cut in "petals" and wore a white robe slightly flushed with gold on a part of it. It was what she was doing that was so strange. She was striking a suspended very long crystal with a rod. As she did so, I observed a mighty transparent column on her left side, and within it, at the beautiful clear fairly high note she struck, spirals of golden "atoms" gyrated. This happening brought me in touch with the spiritual Alchemy taught by the Rev. Kadea Metara. Another Alchemist told me that this Goddess had been showing herself to others, in the USA, and they noticed her curious hair cut in hearts. She never spoke. She also appeared as a Nature Spirit with long red hair and a green gown, and also as a woman. Her given Name was Brigid.

I incorporated this new revelation in a book, Isis of Alchemy. Now I had published three books that did not fit in with the current FOI courses. The aforementioned new book, Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess and Sphinx, dealing with 8 of the worlds major religions. Added to this was the spiritual pageant, "Isis of 10,000 Names," which was produced at the Parliament of the Worlds Religions in Chicago in l993. I had only used its inner play, "The Judgment of Osiris."

During my stay in the USA, the Rt Rev Cathryn Anne Rogers, Star of Isis, drew my attention to a serious omission in our courses. There was nothing for those Priestesses and Priests who wished to use a religious course of development without having to be involved with the College of Isis or the Spiral of the Adept.

Many in the FOI Priesthood prefer to develop through spiritual practices of their own, but still some were asking for FOI courses that would develop personal transformation. They felt that only by doing this would they be able to help those who came to them to grow in their own inner being. Rt. Rev.Kadea Metara was already teaching personal transformation and its effects were producing integrated people who did not stifle or battle with their shadow selves, but had helped them to become whole. "As Above so Below."

So with perfect synchronicity I discovered, having first not understood, what was needed. So "The Spiral of Alchemy" is provided for those Priestesses and Priests who wish to learn and then train others into the deep inner work of any Priesthood. You bring to life the inner Star of Isis and Her Inner Sun which lies buried within a each one of us, and within All that Is.

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