Fellowship of Isis - Networking



1. To list an FOI Event on this website

2. To list your FOI center, website, online group or publication on this website

3. To send news for Isian News (published quarterly)

Please contact:

Honorary Secretary of the Circle of Isis Advisory Board


Fellowship of Isis Central offers:

Facebook Group: Fellowship of Isis Central Site and News

New! Facebook Page: Fellowship of Isis Central Site and News Page. Facebook suggested we create a page due to our large membership and high amount of activity.

Blog: Fellowship of Isis Central

(FOI Events, Druid Clan of Dana, Noble Order of Tara & Fellowship of Isis)

Yahoo: Circle of Isis

Fellowship of Isis members offer a variety of devotional and teaching centers, websites, publications and other works. The variety and wonder of these offerings reflects the diversity of our Fellowship of Isis Patroness - Isis of Ten Thousand Names.

Please click on the links below to view information that will assist in networking with members of the Fellowship of Isis.

FOI Networking

Solitary Members

List of FOI Centers

FOI Members Websites

FOI Members Online Groups

FOI Members Publications

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