Fellowship of Isis History Archive - First FOI Public Event

Bronze Statuette of Athena, British Museum, London

Kensington Central Library, London


"The Reemergence of the Goddess" was the first public gathering of the Fellowship of Isis held outside of Clonegal Castle. It took place in the lecture hall of Kensington Central Library, London, 1979. This event was organised by Maureen Ballard, founder of the Iseum of Athena. Maureen invited FOI members to bring any of their friends who might be interested.

Maureen Ballard writes: "The event was at Kensington Library, on the nearest Saturday to the Spring Equinox that year, possibly the Equinox itself. Good Luck with your work, may Isis be with you."

Maureen was one of the earliest FOI members. Her Iseum of Athena was one of the very first established Iseums in the United Kingdom.

We thank Maureen Ballard who was only too glad to be of assistance, and other FOI members in the UK who helped to provide this information.

Kensington Library Main Entrance