College of Isis - Spiral of the Adepti
From Olivia Robertson
Olivia Robertson at Isis Oasis, FOI Convocation, October 2012
Clarification of Adepti Spiral Training
Received January 2, 2012
"The Spiral of Adepti is vocational. It is not a prelude to training as a Priestess or Priest. Adepti training is made available for those who wish to serve the community through a specialized service (e.g. healer, astrologer, tarot reader, etc.), but do not feel the call to serve as Isian Clergy. This is the sole purpose of the Adepti Spiral." - Olivia Robertson, FOI Co-Founder
Featured on this page:
Spiral of the Adepti
Consecration of an Adept
Links to Adepti FOI Liturgy Rites
Star of Ishtar Adepti Spiral Ritual Diagram
The Spiral of the Adepti is an Iseum based system of Initiate Levels. Spiral of the Adepti initiations are sought by those who feel they have a vocation to serve the Goddess, but do not wish to serve within the ordained clergy of the Fellowship of Isis. Adepti serve in the Goddess Community at large in a secular capacity. An Adept within the Fellowship of Isis offers a specific Specialty to the Goddess, such as herbalism, holistic therapy, etc. An Adepti has earned at least four Initiations from the Spiral of Adepti rites through study within an Iseum that is headed by an Adepti. Once an Adepti has gained four Initiations and been consecrated by the Consecration of an Adepti rite, they are qualified to teach the Adepti system within their own Iseum. Iseums are not required to offer Adepti courses of study. The Consecration of an Adepti rite may be performed by attunement or in person.
"Adepti training and certification is undertaken through an Iseum that is twinned with a Lyceum. Degrees are acquired under the tutelage of a Priest or Priestess Hierophant of the College of Isis. Hierophants are the College Preceptors." - Olivia Robertson, FOI Co-Founder, College of Isis Co-Founder
The Spiral of the Adepti contains 33 initiations, including 32 physical rites, and 1 Initiation of Divine Awareness without ritual. The experience of Divine Awareness without ritual, is considered private and no certification is issued for this Initiation. The Spiral of the Adepti rites are to be found in the following Fellowship of Isis books:
Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess (Rites 1 - 7 only)
Dedication of a Shrine to Isis
Evening. Rite of the Five Elements
Gaea: Initiations of the Earth (Part II, Planetary Initiation, 1 Rite)
Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess (All Rites)
Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess (All Rites)
Tara of the Oracles, The Alchemical Twins Face the Fates (All Rites)*
*Note: "Tara of the Oracles" may be used as an alternate to the rites in Psyche.
Additional Information:
Information regarding the House of Life, (optional and for Iseums only)
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